Thank you for choosing SoftClan e-cryptor!
ItÆs never
been so easy to protect the privacy of your e-mails as well as files and
SoftClan e-cryptor can be used to:
Quickly and Easily send Encrypted e-mails.
Encrypt Sensitive Files and Folders on your hard drive or removable media.
Encrypt Backup Files.
All using powerful encryption and our unique self-decrypting methods.
Why Encryption is Important for Everyone
While most people recognize that encryption is important, most sensitive
e-mails and files are not protected by encryption. Why? Mostly because
existing encryption programs are difficult to use and proprietary. If
you want to send an encrypted email you need to be concerned if the recipient
has the software to decrypt it! This often means an exchange of numerous
e-mails determining how the sensitive information can be sent û and usually
results in frustration and giving up.
It also means that most sensitive e-mails - both corporate and personal
- are being sent without any protection at all even though it is a well
known fact how easy they are to infiltrate! Even in the Internet age and
with open DSL lines û where files on systems can be accessed and read
easily û nothing is being done to protect sensitive information. Just
imagine what details are in your e-mails and files û credit card and bank
information, social security number, contracts, bids, personal correspondence,
confidential company information û all which can be used against you.
This is why we created SoftClan e-cryptor.
The product is unique in that it offers you both powerful protection as
well as ease-of-use. Encrypted files are self-decrypting! Your encrypted
email recipients need nothing to decrypt the file except the password.
SoftClan e-cryptor is also perfect
for encrypting files and folders because you never have to worry about
having the software installed to decrypt them. This is particularly helpful
if you want to encrypt files û including backup files û on removable media.
You can decrypt them on any system, even a system that doesnÆt have SoftClan e-cryptor installed.
Encryption in the Real World
E-mail encryption has been around for many years but it hasnÆt been
used extensively because of the difficulty in making it work in our ôreal
worldö where everything needs to be done yesterday.
SoftClan e-cryptor uses powerful
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption. It also uses what is
referred to as ôSymmetricö encryption. This means that you must provide
a password to the recipient. ôAsymmetricö encryption which is used by
some other products uses a combination of public and private keys. This
means that you donÆt have to communicate a password to the recipient -
but because the exchange of public and private keys is so complex very
few people use it in the real world!
We elected to use symmetric encryption in SoftClan
e-cryptor. It means that while you do have to be careful that you
use a secure method of communicating the password to your recipient û
you gain an incredible amount of ease-of-use with this method. Also because
our encrypted files are self-decrypting you never need to worry about
your recipient having anything but the password. This means that you are
much more likely to use encryption û meaning that you will be much more
Finally! A powerful and easy solution to protect your privacy û SoftClan e-cryptor!